EarthTribe Farmacy
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What is the Farmacy?
The original pharmacy was really a "Farmacy", an original garden on the farm that reaches back to Eden. Two hundred and fifty years ago, there were no synthetic medicines. The estimated 250,000300,000 species of plants were the main source for the world's health care needs. Today, still over 75% of the world's population, rely on plants for their wellness.
Our forefathers discovered which plant species were edible and which had powerful health supporting properties. The plant kingdom offers probably our best medicine, definitely the safest!

Most of the world's medicines come from plants or are unfortunately, synthesized forms of plant compounds. Many medicines now pre­scribed in the U.S. contain foreign chemicals synthetically derived from plants, thus becoming chemicals, not plants. Historically, plant medicines were discovered by trial and error. Our ancestors noticed that aches and pains went away when they drank tea made from the bark of a willow tree. Later, scientists found that willow bark contains salicylic acid, now unfortunately made synthetically in aspirin.

CO2 Extraction Process with phytonutrients - Step #1
Above: First step in the production process.
Bring Back the Farmacy
It's our belief that the plant kingdom offers a powerful resource for our quality of life. Nature's medicine is intended to be just that-natural. The EarthTribe Farmacy's Plant Life concentrates (PLC's) are developed by utilizing the whole essence of the entire plant kingdom.
"When we're done with the plant there is nothing left!"
C02 Extraction
CO2 Extraction Process with phytonutrients - Step #2
Through C02 Extraction (Supercritical Fluid Extraction), the full range of plant life elements in flowers, roots, herbs, leaves, foods, spices and any other botanicals can be extracted in their full and complete integrity! This process is done without the use of heat, or hazardous solvents. Supercritical Fluid Extraction uses C02 gas as the solvent. Under high pressure, C02 gases will reach a "Supercritical fluid" state and become a liquid form which helps break down the whole plant.
Above: Second step in the production process.
Our Exclusive, Proprietary Process, Only at ForeverGreen!
(Aqueous Molecular Partitioning) After the oleoresins (a combination of the essential oil and plant resin), phytonutrients, antioxidants, fixatives, vitamins and volatiles are extracted out from the plants, we then put them through our AMP process. This exclusive proprietary process renders our PLC's water soluble, and therefore instantly bio-available! The combination of the C02 process and the AMP process emulsifies the whole plant kingdom in it's integrity, in water, without the use of any chemicals or heat, making AMP the leading edge of the next generation of health and wellness!
AMP - Aqueous Molecular Partitioning
EarthTribe Line
Nothing but the best from nature!
The EarthTribe Farmacy's Plant Life Concentrates (PLC's) are developed by utilizing the whole essence of the entire plant kingdom. Through CO2 Extraction (Supercritical Fluid Extraction), the full range of plant life elements in flowers, roots, herbs, leaves, foods, spices and any other botanicals can be extracted in their full and complete integrity! When we're done with the plant there is nothing left!
Within this page you'll find these products:
Red Dragon White Dragon Yacon
Green Dragon Yakave Honey Teas
Large Bottle of Raindrops
"Rain on Me"TM
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EarthTribe Farmacy
1/2 Oz bottle of Raindrops
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Our planet is 70% water. Like nature, we too are 70% water. Our brain is 94% water. We are walking water! What we drink today could walk and talk tomorrow! Why not drink the best. Rain has it all: ultra purified, alkaline pH, organic trace minerals, and proper electrolyte balance. Sweet tasting water, drink it up!

The human body, in a natural, healthy state, is slightly alkaline when all metabolic and enzymatic reactions are functioning efficiently. An acidic pH body condition is believed to accelerate aging, system degeneration and susceptibility to sickness, fat, and disease. Raindrops are processed using the AMP technology, helping to alkalize the body's pH by neutralizing acidity. The high electrical frequency ingredients in Raindrops are well known for promoting a feeling of calm, well being, joy, and relaxation.

Green Dragon
Green DragonTM
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In the mythology of various Asian countries dragons represent celestial and terrestrial wisdom and strength. They reside in water and bring life, health, and wealth. The symbol of life in plants is represented by the Green Dragon. Greens are amazing! The benefits are numerous. They are key to total health and nutrition.

Red Dragon
Red DragonTM
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In the mythology of various Asian countries dragons represent celestial and terrestrial wisdom and strength. They reside in water and bring life, health, and wealth. The symbol of power and strength is represented by the Red Dragon. Astaxanthin, a super marine micro algae, has been studied extensively and linked to a wide range of health benefits.

White Dragon
White DragonTM
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In the mythology of various Asian countries dragons represent celestial and terrestrial wisdom and strength. They reside in water and bring life, health, and wealth. The image of full health is symbolized by a White Dragon, representing a "higher" order of well being. During the 14th and 15th century plague, it was the spice dealers who robbed the sick and deceased, while remaining in full health! Plants and spices are nature's oldest medicines. Help heal your body naturally with the whole essence of the plant kingdom found in White Dragon. It's a Spice Revival!

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Ahh, the electricity of the floral kingdom! You'll smile ear to ear while enjoying this electrifying, sensory boosting experience. "The Rainmaker is source of all power, moving the heavens and earth. Rainmakers take responsibility for everything around them." Research shows that florals, like Roses, emit electrical frequencies as high as 320 MHz. Be responsible. Distance yourself from the frequency of disease.

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Most roots and tubers store carbohydrates as starch. Yacon stores carbohydrates as fructooligosacaride (FOS) - a polymer composed mainly of fructose. This FOS can be considered a subgroup of inulin because they have a similar molecular structure, but with shorter fructose chains. Thanks to its reducing effect of lipids in the blood, as well as FOS's ability to sweeten without reaching the bloodstream, Yacon is an excellent alternative for low calorie diets and for blood sugar conscious people.

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Now you have the great health benefits of Yacon combined with the naturally sweet nectar of Agave. Yakave offers a naturally sweet nectar for millions of blood sugar conscious people, carbohydrate intolerant hypoglycemics, and individuals suffering with Syndrome X, or anyone who just can't tolerate sugar or artificial sweeteners. Yakave refined nectar can be used to enhance any food or beverage with fewer calories and greater flavor. Because Yakave is sweeter to the human brain than granulated sugar, less is needed to achieve the same level of sweetness.

Honey Teas
Honey TeasTM
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EarthTribe Farmacy
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Our Honey Teas are formulated with pure, clean ingredients, using Supercritical Fluid Extraction (CO2 extraction) technologies and our proprietary AMP process. Without using harsh solvents or alcohol we capture the whole plant essence, which contains the true fresh flavors, essential oils, natural phyto-nutrients, and antioxidants. You can enjoy Honey Tea anytime without heating or brewing.

Cinnamon Onion Sage
Garlic Thyme Frankincense / Nutmeg
Ginger Lemongrass Turmeric
Oregano Rosemary Basil & Chilli
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EarthTribe Farmacy
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There's nothing like fresh basil to add an incredible kick to just about anything you're cooking. But did you know that in other countries this wonderful spice is also used for it's medicinal properties? It contains six different compounds that reduce blood pressure and ease the symptoms of emphysema and bronchitis. Basil also makes a good insect repellent. So next time you're in the garden and the bugs start biting, rub some on.

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It's not surprising that chili peppers can trace their history to Central and South America, regions whose cuisines are renowned for their hot and spicy flavors. Chili peppers have been cultivated in these regions for more than seven thousand years, as a decorative item, a foodstuff and medicine. China, Turkey, Nigeria, Spain and Mexico are among the largest commercial producers. Chili peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which gives peppers their characteristic pungence, producing mild to intense spice when eaten. Capsaicin is a potent inhibitor of substance P, a neuropeptide associated with inflammatory processes. The hotter the chili pepper, the more capsaicin it contains.

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Cinnamon was mentioned in the Bible and was used in ancient Egypt as a beverage flavoring, a medicine, and as an embalming agent. It was so highly treasured that it was considered more precious than gold. Around this time, cinnamon also received much attention in China, which is reflected in its mention in one of the earliest books on Chinese botanical medicine, dated around 2,700 B.C. Recent research shows that cinnamon may make the cells more likely to let insulin in, thereby Cinnamon may significantly help people with Type 2 diabetes improve their ability to respond to insulin, thus normalizing their blood sugar levels.

Preservative-Frankincence / Nutmeg
Preservative-Frankincence / NutmegTM
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$56.95 US
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Enjoy frankincense with a hint of nutmeg and synergistically bring your body into balance. This proprietary blend of frankincense and nutmeg will soothe your nerves and nourish your soul. Frankincense trees originated in Southern Arabia but now grow naturally in Yemen and Oman. The old frankincense trade route was more than 2,000 miles long and is the oldest known trade route. During ancient times, frankincense was considered more valuable than gold. It has been traded for at least 5,000 years. Today frankincense, regardless of its origin, is a valued commodity. This unique blend lends itself to great health versatility.

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Whole books have been written about garlic and its uses. It is affectionately called "the stinking rose" in light of its numerous therapeutic benefits. Garlic remains have been found in caves inhabited 10,000 years ago. The entire ancient world from Spain to China, as well as Egyptians, loved garlic. Our ancestors knew that garlic does more than make our food taste good, it can aid in the healing and even prevention of certain medical conditions.

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Freshly aromatic, ginger root has been used in cooking and healing since the dawn of history. Modern science has supported some of its traditional medicinal uses - including its helpfulness in preventing motion sickness. Ancient Indians used their native ginger in cooking, to preserve food and to treat digestive problems. The Chinese also consider ginger to be an antidote to shellfish poisoning, which is why Chinese fish and seafood dishes are often seasoned with ginger.

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Lemongrass is a fast growing, tall, aromatic perennial grass that grows up to 1.5 meters high. It is cultivated in tropical regions around the world, especially in Central and South America, as well as Queensland in Australia, for its oil used in perfumes, as a culinary flavoring and as a medicine. Its pleasant, refreshing taste and easy availability make it a good tonic in a number of conditions. It has a strong history of medicinal use in India, South America and the Caribbean.

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Onions, like garlic, are members of the Allium family, and both are rich in powerful sulfur-containing compounds that are responsible for their pungent odors and for many of their health-promoting effects. Ancient Egyptians believed onions possessed strength-giving powers and fed them to the pyramid builders. The Egyptians weren't far off with their assessment of the onion's health attributes; recent medical studies have shown a direct link between onion consumption and reduced rates of cancer.

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Oregano is known botanically as Origanum vulgare and is called wild marjoram in many parts of Europe since it is closely related to the herb that we know as sweet marjoram. It is a small shrub with multi-branched stems covered with small grayish-green oval leaves and small white or pink flowers. More than 40 plants in four botanical families go by the name oregano. Just like rosemary, oregano was also used to preserve meat.

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Thousands of years before refrigeration, ancient cultures noticed that wrapping meats in crushed rosemary leaves preserved them and imparted a fresh fragrance and flavor. To this day, the herb remains a favorite in meat dishes. Rosemary's ability to preserve meats also led to the belief that it helped preserve memory. Greek students wore rosemary garlands to assist their powers of recall. As the centuries passed, the herb was incorporated into wedding ceremonies as a symbol of spousal fidelity and into funerals to help survivors to remember the dead. In Hamlet, Ophelia gives Hamlet a sprig, saying, "There's rosemary... for remembrance."

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The 12th-century German herbalist Hildegard considered thyme the herb of choice for skin problems. As the centuries passed, thyme was used as an antiseptic during plagues. Thyme is commonly found in kitchen spice racks, but without realizing it, millions of Americans stock the herb's oil in their medicine chests as well. Its inclusion in mouthwashes and decongestants is no coincidence. Thyme's aromatic oil contains two compounds, thymol and carvacol, that account for its medicinal value. Both chemicals have preservative, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

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Close your eyes and imagine Thanksgiving turkey stuffing. Smell that warm, rich aroma? Chances are, it comes from sage. Thousands of years before the Pilgrims stuffed the first Thanksgiving turkey, people all over the world were celebrating the healing powers of this aromatic herb. The genus name for sage, Salvia, comes from the Latin word meaning "to heal." The ancient Greeks and Romans first used sage as a meat preservative. They also believed that like another powerful preservative, rosemary, it could enhance memory.

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Turmeric comes from the root of the Curcuma Longa plant and has a tough brown skin and a deep orange flesh. Turmeric has long been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in both the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine. Turmeric has a peppery, warm and bitter flavor and a mild fragrance slightly reminiscent of orange and ginger. While it is best known as one of the ingredients used to make curry, it also gives ballpark mustard its bright yellow color.