Fixx and Form Your Body, Your Life, Your Experience!

Lose Weight Easily and Naturally

The Secret of Managing Weight is Knowing When to Stop Eating!

Portion control and proper nutrition are essential in creating sustainable weight management.

Form and Fixx from 03World use your bodies natural intelligence combined with lifestyle and nutritional ingredients to optimize weight management. This provides a one-two punch to keep you in premium shape. This easy to use system makes achieving your goals simple, making health a habit not an event. 


FORM contains Swell, a proprietary, ultra pure FDA-compliant hydrogel platform technology used as a pre-meal gastric bulking agent. When combined with water, Form expands in your stomach, sending a message to your brain that you are less hungry. Form puts you in control of your portions, helping you make decisive eating habits, not compulsive ones. Weight management should be simple without harmful side effects or surgery.

FORM is being called "Gasteric Bypass In A Capsule" and "THe New Skinny Pill" ... it will change your life!

PharmaSea - Distributor of FrequenSea Phytoplankton Tonic - The Future of Natural Health!
Distributor of
FrequenSea - The lonic Whole Food Tonic with Marine Phytoplankton, Vitamins and Sea Minerals
And These Fine Products:

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What is FORM? (Carbomer Homopolymer)

Carbomer is an industry trade name which identifies a series of crosslinked hydrogel polymers of acrylic acid. Carbomers have been in wide commercial use for decades since they are non-toxic, not absorbed, and are listed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS)." A wide variety of carbomers are FDA-approved in products as bulking agents, laxatives, thickening agents, drug delivery excipients, pharmacuetical adjuvants, cosmetic emollients, and food additives among others.

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How Does Form Work?

SIMPLE: It's all about meal portion control...  
Each FORM capsule contains hundreds of microbeads made from our proprietary, non-toxic, superabsorbent polymer called SWELL that has been designed to expand 500 to 1,000 times it's weight in water when taken as directed. Each FORM rapid-acting capsule dissolves within minutes of ingestion. The microbeads absorb the free water and expand to partially fill the stomach; promoting the release of hormones that signal the hunger center in the brain to suppress your appetite. So by the time you sit down and start eating, you are already beginning to "feel full."

Simply stated FORM lets you eat less without feeling hungry. And in combination with a healthy lifestyle and weight management program, most people using FORM tend to lose more weight than with dieting and/or exercise alone

Is FORM associated with GI or bowel problems?

No: FORM is totally bio-inert. It is made from a water-swelling polymer that is not absorbed or digested, neither does it absorb nutrients or other ingested materials. FORM is designed to behave like many natural foods that pass through the GI tract undigested (i.e., corn, lentils, peanuts etc,)

Does FORM have any significant side effects?

No: FORM is a mechanical gastric bulking agent that has no nutritional value. It does not contain ephedrine, or any stimulants. Form promotes bowel regularity, but it is not a laxative; nor does it interfere with digestion, or blood sugar levels. FORM is not known to promote any significant side effects. It is non-fermenting and does not cause flatulence.

Do I have to drink water with Form capsules?

Yes: Drinking 6 to 12 ounces of water with each FORM capsule is VERY IMPORTANT for two reasons:
First: FORM capsules work best if they are swallowed whole - without chewing or breaking them open in the mouth.
Second: Once the capsules dissolve in the stomach, the microbeads expand by absorbing water. In order for the beads to expand properly, the stomach needs to have enough free water present. Six to twelve ounces of water must be taken with each capsule 30 to 60 minutes before meals for FORM to work safely and achieve maximal swelling effectiveness.

What is the maximum number of capsules that I can take with each meal?

Maximum Limit- 2 capsules per meal or 6 capsules per day. Taken as directed FORM microbeads are designed to expand 500 to 1,000  times their weight in water (about the size of an apple). Taking more than 2 capsules at a time (unless directed by a physician) for a single meal is NOT RECOMMENDED since this may over-distend the stomach causing severe cramping, nausea, vomiting or other complications.

How soon does FORM begin to work?

Less Than 15 Minutes: Taken as directed, FORM's specialized fast-dissolving capsules release the SWELL microbeads quickly, which gently expand within about 15 minutes of ingestion. Once the stomach begins to expand with meals, the brain's hunger center is signaled to slow down the
hunger drive; providing the user with a more rapid sense of "Fullness."

Is FORM recommended as a stand-alone diet or weight management tool?

No: FORM works best if used as part of a healthy lifestyle in combination with exercise and a low-fat nutritious whole-food diet. We recommend supplementing the diet with a multi-vitamin formula to ensure complete absorption of all of the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for good Health - some of which may become restricted in some diets and weight management programs.

We recommend you try FrequenSea with Marine Phytoplankton.

Can FORM be used with other diet products?

Yes: FORM's natural mechanism of action compliments other weight loss products, as well as those weight management programs that may be recommended by your doctor. FORM can be used in combination with these technologies to obtain maximal and synergistic results.

Once I reach my target weight, can I use FORM as part of my daily lifestyle?

Yes: FORM has no nutritional value. Each capsule is drug free, stimulant free, and is non-habit forming.
Once most people reach their target weight, the brain will attempt to adjust to the new body mass and reset its "hunger-stat" (the amount of food it needs to consume). For some people, this process can take a year or more. In the meantime, if you still feel hungry before meals after reaching your target weight, for best results and as part of a healthy daily weight maintenance program, FORM consumption can be adjusted to one or two doses a daily before the main meal of the day, whatever works best for you and your body.

What happens in an overdose?

In the event of an overdose: If enough water is consumed such that the microbeads expand to cause  over-distension of the stomach, gastric cramping, nausea and vomiting will ensue, which will mechanically clear the body of the excess material.

If Form is ingested in an overdose amount without sufficient water to cause vomiting, the microbeads will pass on their own with severe abdominal cramping as the primary outcome.  

Intestinal obstruction is theoretically possible, but has never been reported.

What happens in an overdose?

In the event of an overdose: If enough water is consumed such that the microbeads expand to cause  over-distension of the stomach, gastric cramping, nausea and vomiting will ensue, which will mechanically clear the body of the excess material.

If Form is ingested in an overdose amount without sufficient water to cause vomiting, the microbeads will pass on their own with severe abdominal cramping as the primary outcome.  

Intestinal obstruction is theoretically possible, but has never been reported.

Does FORM damage the environment?

No: Carmonmers are listed on the EPA's Inert Ingredients List (4B) and the Exempt from Residues List (CFR 180.960). FORM is incinerated with the residue biomass in waste treatment facilities. It is non-toxic and does not accumulate in groundwater, lakes, or other ecosystem niches.

Diabetics, pregnant and nursing mothers, children under 18, morbidly obese people, or those with any form of pre-existing gastrointestinal diseases or medical conditions should consult with their physician before use.


FIXX is a convenient, organic, chocolate Meal-Replacement Shake made with highest quality standards on Earth. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, digestive enzymes, protein, and a fruit and vegetable blend, FIXX provides absolute nutrition with amazing taste. Perfectly sweetened with the crystals of honey, FIXX comes in convenient single-serving packets. Simply add water or milk and enjoy!

Perfect nutrition! Perfect taste!

FIXX Formula

 24 Karat Chocolate Powder, Organic Whey Protein, Insulin, High Oleic Sunflower Oil, Guar Gum, Calcium Citrate, CreaFibe SC 40 (vegetable dietary fiber), Potassium Citrate, Oat Fiber, Honey Crystals, Magnesium Oxide, Sodium chloride, Trace Mineral Blend, Inositol, Mono and Di-glycerides, Vanadium Chelate, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Ginger, Bromelain, Organic Vegetable Blend (Carrot, Broccoli, tomato, Cucumber, Kale, Spinach, Parsley, Cabbage, Celery, Cauliflower, Green Bell Peppers, Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts, Onion, Garlic, Ginger), Organic Fruit Blend (Apple, Grape, Grapefruit, Orange, Pineapple, Lemon, Lime, Cherry, Watermelon, Pear, Mango, Strawberry, Papaya, Tangerine, Apricot) Proprietary Probiotic Blend (Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Bulgarlcus, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Brevis, Lacgtobacillus Caucasicus) Xylitol, Chromiuim Chelate, Chromium Picolinate, Iron Furmerate, Natural Vitamin E Acetate, Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide), Zinc Oxide, Copper Gluconate, Selenium Chelate, Guarana Powder, Vitamin A, Acetate, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Manganese Chelate, Vitamin D3, Molybdenum Chelate, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Folic Acid, Potassium Iodide, Vitamin B12 Phosphorus.


FIBE is a natural, proprietary, soluble, cleansing fiber-based bulking agent. Two to three capsules provide fiber to cleanse your system, helping you feel full and maintain healthy regularity. FIBE should be taken twenty minutes before eating to provide maximum results. FIBE is not intended to be a meal substitute.

FIBE (Proprietary Blend)
Konjoc (glucomanan), Apple Pectin, Agar Agar and Psyllium Husks.  

Other Ingredients: Vegetable Gel Capsules.

Consumer Testimonials:

NBC's Biggest Loser, Heather Hanson, says...

"I've been waiting for something like this to come along, a product that is safe to use but that actually works. It is all in the portion control. It is really fun to be back in the game. After the show I put on some baby weight that I couldn't wait to get back off. 03World's flagship product, FORM makes it easy for me to be in control of my calories."

 Heather Hanson Loses 44 Pounds on Form!

I have been on the FORM pill for one week and lost 4 lbs. This is the first time I have not snacked at night in years, the best part is I get to eat! I feel full and eat less. This product really works!
- Jim, California

It's finally happening! This morning I woke up 8 lbs lighter! Only 10 days ago I started FORM and FIXX. For me, losing weight is impossible. No matter what I do nothing has worked in the past. How could something so simple work so well? I feel great too! It put me in control of my portions and my afternoon or evening cravings. The 'hunger switch' is turned off and I can concentrate on more important things. This is revolutionary ... I have to share it with everyone I know!
- Caroline, Texas

I have possibly tried one of everything when it comes to weight loss products in hopes to lose pounds. Millions of others have the same issue as me ... WILL POWER. It's now been 45 days taking FORM & FIXX, I'm super impressed. Not only am I dropping pound easier than ever before in my life, but I'm beginning to feel a new level of health. Before, it was always about losing the pounds to achieve my ideal weight. Now, for me it more than just numbers on a scale. I feel amazing. More energy, lower blood pressure, better blood sugar levels, and I'm sleeping a solid 8 hours (wow!) ... and this is just the beginning! Today, I've lost a total 31 pounds and 23 inches. How could you not share these products ... it's been a miracle in my life and know it will be for millions of others. ForeverGreen has given me a brand new life!
- Chris, New York

Baby weight Be gone! My youngest in now 3 and I have not been able to shed the weight since my pregnancy. I was introduced to O3World products FORM and FIXX 20 days ago and already lost 9 lbs. There is something more to this product than just portion control. I call it the “little magic pill”. It curbs my appetite and I'm craving salads and vegetables more than ever. All the moms in our 'Moms & Tots' play group began to notice my baggy close ... I never thought I would be making extra income from MY weight loss. Dream come true!
- Jenn, Alberta

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