Reciprocal Link Page - Main Index
Note to Webmasters:

This site was only registered shortly after the first of December, 2005 and has only recently (December 13th) been indexed by Google for the first time. Though we don't currently offer much when it comes to page rank, were working diligently to amass a directory of health & nutrition websites. If you could please be patient while we develope a rank, were sure that shortly well be driving real traffic to our partners sites. Thank you for your understanding. Can't find your link? All links originally placed here are now located within their perspective category. Here's a list of those affected.

Noni Juice Environmentally Friendly Health Information Natural Products Organics
Coral Products Fitness Health Stores Nutrition Phytoplankton
Pharmacies Holistic Health Healthy Planet Oceanic Products Vitamins

Quality Criteria For Link Partners

The following is a list of criteria we use when evaluating link partners.

Link Partner must be relevant to the theme of this directory. If you don't see a relevant category that your website fits into then please don't submit your site.

Link Partner web sites must have a well structured, relevant link directory to be considered.
  • Link Partner web site must have a direct link on their home page to their link directory page. There must be no more than two clicks to any link category.
  • Sites with link directories that cannot be indexed by the search engines are excluded from consideration. (Framed and dynamic sites.)
  • Sites with more than 100 outgoing links per category on their link pages will be excluded from consideration.
  • Sites that host their link directories on another domain are excluded from consideration.
  • Sites that participate in automated link exchanges, or link farms, are excluded from consideration.
  • Free web sites and FFA web sites are excluded from consideration.
  • Sites with excessive pop up ads are not considered.
  • Sites that use any technique to mislead the search engines are excluded from our system.
  • Sites that do not practice ethical linking practices or violate any of the search engine guidelines are excluded from consideration.
Reciprocal Link Requests:
Your Full Name: * Required
Your E-mail Address: *
Your sites URL address: *
Title: *
(Limit of 200 Characters)
Where we can find our Link: *
PharmaSea reserves the right to refuse any link whether it qualifies under the terms above or not. Should this form not work or you get an error message, please e-mail requests to
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