16oz bottle of FrequenSea Marine Phytoplankton Tonic.
Marine Phytoplankton
Available to man for the first time in history!
Customer Testimonials
Over the past three months, FrequenSea has seen explosive sales as result of the overwhelming customer results. Should you wish to share your experience with others, fill out our Testimonial form.
"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"2. Prostate- Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear 3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness. My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle. Thank God for Marine Phytoplankton. -K. F. "
Shop Today's FrequenSea Deals!
"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"2. Prostate- Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear 3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness. My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle. Thank God for Marine Phytoplankton. -K. F. "
"My frequensea experience started almost 1 year ago. On Feb 25th 2006 I picked up my first 1x4 order of Frequensea and went home and started it that night. I took the recommended 1/2 oz. so as not to overwhelm my body with detox issues. I didn't have any symptoms of detox so the night after that I began 1 oz nightly. I am now taking a 3 oz dose nightly. I feel GREAT. Before taking Frequensea I had a SEVER craving for ice cream, with in 1 week the craving was gone. I also had pain 24/7. Some days it was so bad that I had to RX pain pills to ease the pain so I could sleep. I use to take the pain pills any where from 2x daily to 2 or 3 times a week, it all depended on how bad it was and / or when I had to work. I drive a city bus. I now can say I don't remember when I took the last RX pain pill. These are only 2 of the many things that have changed in my health since starting Frequensea. I say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FREQUENSEA!!! It is an answer to my prayers. Naturally Grateful, -Christine "
"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"2. Prostate- Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear 3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness. My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle. Thank God for Marine Phytoplankton. -K. F. "
"My frequensea experience started almost 1 year ago. On Feb 25th 2006 I picked up my first 1x4 order of Frequensea and went home and started it that night. I took the recommended 1/2 oz. so as not to overwhelm my body with detox issues. I didn't have any symptoms of detox so the night after that I began 1 oz nightly. I am now taking a 3 oz dose nightly. I feel GREAT. Before taking Frequensea I had a SEVER craving for ice cream, with in 1 week the craving was gone. I also had pain 24/7. Some days it was so bad that I had to RX pain pills to ease the pain so I could sleep. I use to take the pain pills any where from 2x daily to 2 or 3 times a week, it all depended on how bad it was and / or when I had to work. I drive a city bus. I now can say I don't remember when I took the last RX pain pill. These are only 2 of the many things that have changed in my health since starting Frequensea. I say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FREQUENSEA!!! It is an answer to my prayers. Naturally Grateful, -Christine "
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"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"2. Prostate- Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear 3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness. My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle. Thank God for Marine Phytoplankton. -K. F. "
"My frequensea experience started almost 1 year ago. On Feb 25th 2006 I picked up my first 1x4 order of Frequensea and went home and started it that night. I took the recommended 1/2 oz. so as not to overwhelm my body with detox issues. I didn't have any symptoms of detox so the night after that I began 1 oz nightly. I am now taking a 3 oz dose nightly. I feel GREAT. Before taking Frequensea I had a SEVER craving for ice cream, with in 1 week the craving was gone. I also had pain 24/7. Some days it was so bad that I had to RX pain pills to ease the pain so I could sleep. I use to take the pain pills any where from 2x daily to 2 or 3 times a week, it all depended on how bad it was and / or when I had to work. I drive a city bus. I now can say I don't remember when I took the last RX pain pill. These are only 2 of the many things that have changed in my health since starting Frequensea. I say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FREQUENSEA!!! It is an answer to my prayers. Naturally Grateful, -Christine "
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"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"2. Prostate- Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear 3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness. My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle. Thank God for Marine Phytoplankton. -K. F. "
"My frequensea experience started almost 1 year ago. On Feb 25th 2006 I picked up my first 1x4 order of Frequensea and went home and started it that night. I took the recommended 1/2 oz. so as not to overwhelm my body with detox issues. I didn't have any symptoms of detox so the night after that I began 1 oz nightly. I am now taking a 3 oz dose nightly. I feel GREAT. Before taking Frequensea I had a SEVER craving for ice cream, with in 1 week the craving was gone. I also had pain 24/7. Some days it was so bad that I had to RX pain pills to ease the pain so I could sleep. I use to take the pain pills any where from 2x daily to 2 or 3 times a week, it all depended on how bad it was and / or when I had to work. I drive a city bus. I now can say I don't remember when I took the last RX pain pill. These are only 2 of the many things that have changed in my health since starting Frequensea. I say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FREQUENSEA!!! It is an answer to my prayers. Naturally Grateful, -Christine "
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"My friends, Eric and Jasmine, started taking FrequenSea in May 2006. Both of them had allergies. Eric suffered moderately, but Jasmine's allergy symptoms were very bad. After taking FrequenSea for only one week, both of them are symptom free ... no more allergies! They are FrequenSea "lifers" now. They won't be without it. It's the first thing that goes inro their suitcases when they travel. -LS "
Shop Today's FrequenSea Deals!
"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"2. Prostate- Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear 3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness. My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle. Thank God for Marine Phytoplankton. -K. F. "
"My frequensea experience started almost 1 year ago. On Feb 25th 2006 I picked up my first 1x4 order of Frequensea and went home and started it that night. I took the recommended 1/2 oz. so as not to overwhelm my body with detox issues. I didn't have any symptoms of detox so the night after that I began 1 oz nightly. I am now taking a 3 oz dose nightly. I feel GREAT. Before taking Frequensea I had a SEVER craving for ice cream, with in 1 week the craving was gone. I also had pain 24/7. Some days it was so bad that I had to RX pain pills to ease the pain so I could sleep. I use to take the pain pills any where from 2x daily to 2 or 3 times a week, it all depended on how bad it was and / or when I had to work. I drive a city bus. I now can say I don't remember when I took the last RX pain pill. These are only 2 of the many things that have changed in my health since starting Frequensea. I say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FREQUENSEA!!! It is an answer to my prayers. Naturally Grateful, -Christine "
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"My friends, Eric and Jasmine, started taking FrequenSea in May 2006. Both of them had allergies. Eric suffered moderately, but Jasmine's allergy symptoms were very bad. After taking FrequenSea for only one week, both of them are symptom free ... no more allergies! They are FrequenSea "lifers" now. They won't be without it. It's the first thing that goes inro their suitcases when they travel. -LS "
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"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"2. Prostate- Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear 3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness. My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle. Thank God for Marine Phytoplankton. -K. F. "
"My frequensea experience started almost 1 year ago. On Feb 25th 2006 I picked up my first 1x4 order of Frequensea and went home and started it that night. I took the recommended 1/2 oz. so as not to overwhelm my body with detox issues. I didn't have any symptoms of detox so the night after that I began 1 oz nightly. I am now taking a 3 oz dose nightly. I feel GREAT. Before taking Frequensea I had a SEVER craving for ice cream, with in 1 week the craving was gone. I also had pain 24/7. Some days it was so bad that I had to RX pain pills to ease the pain so I could sleep. I use to take the pain pills any where from 2x daily to 2 or 3 times a week, it all depended on how bad it was and / or when I had to work. I drive a city bus. I now can say I don't remember when I took the last RX pain pill. These are only 2 of the many things that have changed in my health since starting Frequensea. I say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FREQUENSEA!!! It is an answer to my prayers. Naturally Grateful, -Christine "
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"My friends, Eric and Jasmine, started taking FrequenSea in May 2006. Both of them had allergies. Eric suffered moderately, but Jasmine's allergy symptoms were very bad. After taking FrequenSea for only one week, both of them are symptom free ... no more allergies! They are FrequenSea "lifers" now. They won't be without it. It's the first thing that goes inro their suitcases when they travel. -LS "
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"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"2. Prostate- Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear 3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness. My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle. Thank God for Marine Phytoplankton. -K. F. "
"My frequensea experience started almost 1 year ago. On Feb 25th 2006 I picked up my first 1x4 order of Frequensea and went home and started it that night. I took the recommended 1/2 oz. so as not to overwhelm my body with detox issues. I didn't have any symptoms of detox so the night after that I began 1 oz nightly. I am now taking a 3 oz dose nightly. I feel GREAT. Before taking Frequensea I had a SEVER craving for ice cream, with in 1 week the craving was gone. I also had pain 24/7. Some days it was so bad that I had to RX pain pills to ease the pain so I could sleep. I use to take the pain pills any where from 2x daily to 2 or 3 times a week, it all depended on how bad it was and / or when I had to work. I drive a city bus. I now can say I don't remember when I took the last RX pain pill. These are only 2 of the many things that have changed in my health since starting Frequensea. I say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FREQUENSEA!!! It is an answer to my prayers. Naturally Grateful, -Christine "
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"My friends, Eric and Jasmine, started taking FrequenSea in May 2006. Both of them had allergies. Eric suffered moderately, but Jasmine's allergy symptoms were very bad. After taking FrequenSea for only one week, both of them are symptom free ... no more allergies! They are FrequenSea "lifers" now. They won't be without it. It's the first thing that goes inro their suitcases when they travel. -LS "
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"I have been using Marine Phytoplankton for 1-1/2 months now. My wife noticed in the second week that I was growing hair in my bald spot (a lot of it!) The gal that cuts my hair also asked if I had changed conditioner and I said "no" and she had noticed that my hair was much healthier and thicker. -F.K "
"I thought I'd tell you how Frequensea has helped me. I have had severe acid reflux for about 3 ½ years now. I tried a lot of natural health products and then my doctor told me to take Mylanta which helped so much. I was on it too long, about 1 year. My doctor said that was too long to be taking Mylanta and gave me 2 prescriptions to take together everyday. He gave me Prilosec and also prescription strength pepcid. These did help but I knew it wasn’t solving the problem just masking it. There were times when I had Mexican or Italian food that I had to also take Mylanta again. I stopped the Prilosec and Pepcid and just suffered with the acid reflux. Well I have been taking frequensea for 2 months and noticed I haven’t been bothered with acid reflux at all. In fact we had Mexican food 3 times last month and Italian at the Olive Garden this week and absolutely no acid reflux. -Anonymous "
"2. Prostate- Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear 3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness. My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle. Thank God for Marine Phytoplankton. -K. F. "
"My frequensea experience started almost 1 year ago. On Feb 25th 2006 I picked up my first 1x4 order of Frequensea and went home and started it that night. I took the recommended 1/2 oz. so as not to overwhelm my body with detox issues. I didn't have any symptoms of detox so the night after that I began 1 oz nightly. I am now taking a 3 oz dose nightly. I feel GREAT. Before taking Frequensea I had a SEVER craving for ice cream, with in 1 week the craving was gone. I also had pain 24/7. Some days it was so bad that I had to RX pain pills to ease the pain so I could sleep. I use to take the pain pills any where from 2x daily to 2 or 3 times a week, it all depended on how bad it was and / or when I had to work. I drive a city bus. I now can say I don't remember when I took the last RX pain pill. These are only 2 of the many things that have changed in my health since starting Frequensea. I say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FREQUENSEA!!! It is an answer to my prayers. Naturally Grateful, -Christine "
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"My friends, Eric and Jasmine, started taking FrequenSea in May 2006. Both of them had allergies. Eric suffered moderately, but Jasmine's allergy symptoms were very bad. After taking FrequenSea for only one week, both of them are symptom free ... no more allergies! They are FrequenSea "lifers" now. They won't be without it. It's the first thing that goes inro their suitcases when they travel. -LS "
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"I have been using Marine Phytoplankton for 1-1/2 months now. My wife noticed in the second week that I was growing hair in my bald spot (a lot of it!) The gal that cuts my hair also asked if I had changed conditioner and I said "no" and she had noticed that my hair was much healthier and thicker. -F.K "
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