16oz bottle of FrequenSea Marine Phytoplankton Tonic.
Marine Phytoplankton
Available to man for the first time in history!
Customer Testimonials
Over the past three months, FrequenSea has seen explosive sales as result of the overwhelming customer results. Should you wish to share your experience with others, fill out our Testimonial form.
New! December 22, 2005.

I have been taking Marine Phytoplankton for almost two weeks now and have found that my arthritis pain has disappeared, I had psoriasis for many years in a scar on my forehead and it also ran up into my hair from that spot, that is gone!! I can't believe it. Doctors tried everything for years to get rid of that psoriasis and nothing worked. My feet used to be so sore everyday, my wife would have to massage them with cream so that I could fall asleep, now my feet don't hurt, finally every morning as the sun came into the bedroom my eyes used to hurt so badly that I had to close the blinds, it felt as though I had needles going into my eyes as soon as the sun hit them, my eyes are fine now no more sensitivity to the sun !!!

New! December 14, 2005.

I'm "only" 48 years old, and have been struggling with hypothyroidism for years now. My doctor has gradually increased my dosage over the years to where I have now been at a whopping .212 mcg/day. I have been using Marine Phytoplankton since August 2005 and have noticed significant and amazing improvements in so many areas of my life (including people who literally didn't recognize me from 6 months ago)... but the most measurable is this: Last week I started feeling jittery and anxious, and I suddenly realized that's how I felt whenever I was on too much thyroid medicine. I made an appointment with my doctor for a blood test to check the levels. When I got there, the nurse told me I was early and I thought she meant I got the appointment time wrong. Then she told me I was 3 months early; the doctor didn't "need" to have my levels tested for another 3 months. I told her I had been on a nutritional supplement that has been known to normalize thyroid levels, and since I'd been feeling jittery, I felt I should have it checked. I could tell she thought I was nuts, but who cares???

Well, I got my results today, and here's how they were initially presented to me by the nurse: "Mary, we got the results back on your thyroid test, and the doctor wants you to stop taking the nutritional supplement."

I'll confess that years of indoctrination created an initial split-second reaction of "Oh, no! It's not good for me!" Then logic, reason and common sense immediately took control and I asked her for more details. She said that my thyroid number was low, indicating I'm overmedicated, and that whatever supplement I was taking was to blame (not her exact words, but the inference was there). I explained that it was not just any old supplement for thyroid, but a complete nutritional supplement... and that I'd hoped for the results I'd just gotten! I then told her, laughingly, to tell the doctor "No, you'll have to shoot me first before I'll go off of it!" and, instead, could he reduce my dosage. She called me later and said the doctor had lowered my dose from .212 mcg to .100 mcg/day! That's less than half of what I've been taking! Yippee! The doctor wants to recheck my levels in 6-8 weeks... I'll not be surprised at all if he tells me I no longer need thyroid meds! And you'd better believe that his office manager, with whom I have a great long-standing relationship, now has info on Marine Phytoplankton!

But that's not all...
I was telling this story to a friend of mine who started on Marine Phytoplankton about 2 weeks ago. She has a non-functioning thyroid due to radiation therapy she had years ago. After I told her about my lab results, she said, "That's really interesting... I haven't been able to afford my thyroid meds (she recently lost her job), and have been out for 2 or 3 weeks. Usually by this time I'm totally wiped out. But I haven't felt that way at all... it must be the Marine Phytoplankton!" And yes, I've been talking to her about the business opportunity!!!

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A friend of mine was talking about Marine Phytoplankton and that this is a really good product with all kinds of health benefits. I am a massage therapist and I had developed adult onset eczema. I started taking Marine Phytoplankton orally and I wiped some of the liquid on my hands to see if it would help clear up my eczema. I could see a difference over night and within 2 weeks my skin had completely cleared up. I also noticed that it takes away the itchiness that comes with eczema when I use it as a lotion. My husband is also on Marine Phytoplankton and it has helped him with his joint pain.

K. W.

I started taking Marine phytoplankton exactly two weeks ago and I cannot believe what it has done for me in such a short time, my Chron's Disease, which was active for the last thirty years, is finally in remission after only four days on the Marine Phytoplankton it is so nice to be (normal) once again!! I had forgotten. My almost hourly "hot flashes" are gone, pain from Fibromyalga and Arthritis has practically disappeared, my right shoulder was so bad that it used to snap whenever I lifted it above shoulder level or back and forth, my doctor told me that I had bone rubbing on bone, since the first seven days on the product I can swing my arm in any direction I want with no pain and no snapping! I had Psoriasis on both my elbows and that disappeared in my first week on the Marine Phytoplankton, I have lost 2" off my hips, 3" off my waist and 8 lbs in two weeks. I have gone off Zoloft since day one of taking Marine Phytoplankton and had no side effects, I feel so well that I do not feel that I need an antidepressant and I have so much energy that I am like a live wire.

I. S.

I have a rare cancer, called Carcinoid Tumor, I was diagnosed on 10/31/03, at 40, mother of three, my youngest now almost three, I have been facing the unthinkable early death. There is no known cure for Carcinoid, it is managed by being surgically removed and then attempts are made to stabilize existing tumors or new tumor growth by an injected drug that has been developed to "fence the disease in" thus buying time for the patient. On December 8th, 2003, I had a major nine hour surgery at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN, successfully removing 98% of the tumors. I was left with a tumor in my spleen and one on my lung. Nine months later I was begun on the 30-mg. injection to try to keep the cancer from growing. In the past 22 months, I have returned to The Mayo, every twelve weeks for CT scans and blood and urine tests. I have been seen to develop seven new tumors to my liver, giving me a total of nine known tumors total. Then on October 4th, just 30 days ago, I took my first ounce of the Marine Phytoplankton, I have taken four tablespoons or 2 ounces per day; one on an empty stomach in the morning and one before bed, I have not missed a single dose. Beside sleeping better, feeling better and looking better, I have just returned from my three day trip to The Mayo Clinic where I had a CT scan to monitor the seven spots on my liver, so that it could be decided if I should undergo RFA or Radio Frequency Ablation, a surgical technique to remove these tumors from my liver. This is what happened instead. My husband and I sat in total disbelief as we were told that there are no tumors on my liver, and the tumor in my spleen has also vanished!!!! Eight out of nine tumors are GONE! I have never written a testimonial in my life, but at this point, I feel it is my responsibility to do so. Is my Sandostatin injection the sole reason for this miracle? I doubt it, since I have managed to develop seven new tumors in spite of it, and research shows that the injection to act mainly as a band-aid, and NOT a cure. Have I just been blessed? Yes, because in my opinion, The Marine Phytoplankton drink was divinely inspired, and it seems about as clear as my CT scans, that the answer is YES! In writing this I hope you and your family will find the healing you are hoping for, or at the very least, will become healthier and feel better while you're looking.

Cheers! C. H.

I am taking one ounce of Marine Phytoplankton a day, one-tablespoon twice a day. After only 10 days I was sleeping through the night instead of waking up multiple times a night like I was previously. Also, I'm waking up rested, my hot flashes have all ceased and the frequency and intensity of my migraines has greatly diminished. I used to have one migraine a week that lasted at least two days even with medication. After day 13 and 14 of taking Marine Phytoplankton, I had the first headaches I'd had, but they were not migraines. I think it may be a result of my body detoxifying itself, and they have not required any medication! Additionally, I noticed my right shoulder was not bothering me much anymore, which has allowed me to sleep on my right side comfortably. I have a small tear in my right rotator cuff, and after having my left one surgically repaired two years ago; I chose not to have this one repaired. I wonder what I will notice next!

B. D.

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I have a friend with an 8-year-old daughter named Chelsea. Chelsea has had severe food allergies and asthma her entire life. Last week she went to the doctor to refill her inhalant prescription for her asthma. He asked her to take deep breaths, and by the fifth one she needed the inhaler because she was wheezing so badly. The day after the visit, Chelsea began to take half an ounce of Marine Phytoplankton daily added to her juice. After a week, she was able to endure over an hour of exercise on a trampoline without the use of her asthma medication, which would not have been possible a week prior. She visited the doctor again today and he said he could not explain why she was no longer wheezing and has reduced her need for the inhaler from several times a day to two times a day. Because of Marine Phytoplankton, her moods have significantly improved and she seems to be feeling much happier!

V. G.

My husband and I have been taking Marine Phytoplankton daily for the past two weeks and we are simply amazed by this product! I have recently had to begin wearing reading glasses when my vision had never before needed correction. After taking Marine Phytoplankton just once, I have not needed to wear them at all! I have not felt this wonderful in years and am full of energy, feel very clear, and have a sense of vitality unlike before. My 83-year-old mother has also been taking Marine Phytoplankton and has become a walking testimonial. Since taking the product she is full of life and has much more energy in the afternoons, which were usually spent napping. She claims now she doesn't need to! Her family looks amazed and she looks younger and much livelier, and this is a woman who went to aerobic classes three times a week before taking Marine Phytoplankton! I am so impressed, and feel so blessed - even honored - to be able to take this product and feel such a wonderful sense of well-being. I find myself telling everyone about it and am even more proud that is comes from the magical island on which I live, Vancouver Island.

M. F.

My former doctor once told me that I had hypothyroidism and would have it, and therefore need to treat it, for the remainder of my life. Last week, upon having my blood retested, my current medical doctor discovered I no longer have hypothyroidism and will not have to continue any more treatment for it! I believe increasing my pH levels is to credit for my recent health turnaround. Following a doctor's guidelines closely as well taking Marine Phytoplankton daily has also helped me to lose almost 15 pounds and lower my body fat percentage significantly without changing my diet dramatically. Now that Marine Phytoplankton is available, keeping my pH levels up has never been simpler!

C. W.

I'm finding that the most amazing thing about what we have with Marine Phytoplankton is how universal it is. People just seem to "get it". What's that about? Is it that 8th-grade science class we all took that we studied this basic food source for the planet, this magic process of photosynthesis, this turning of light into life? I can't believe that nearly everybody I talk to has a basic acceptance that marine phytoplankton is a powerful and enviable nutritional source - from health practitioners, to aunt Suzy, to my hairdresser - they all get it! All of my contacts have similar amazing results and all want the product. I just wish there were more hours in a day! I've never seen anything like this, and I'm loving it!

R. J.

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