PharmaSea - #1 On-Line Distributor of FrequenSea Phytoplankton Tonic
Frequently Asked Questions:
The following is a list of frequently asked questions. If your question hasn't been answered here, we strongly encourage you to give us a call. We'd be happy to see if we can help.

What is FequenSea?

What is the Science behind FrequenSea?

What are the ingredients in FrequenSea?

What is Marine Phytoplankton?

What are the Nutritional Properties of Phytoplankton?

Why haven't I heard of Marine phytoplankton before?

How do I know the Marine phytoplankton is safe to consume?

What is Astaxanthin?

What is Frankincense?

What are Phytonutrients?

What are Ionic Minerals?

Are all Ionic Minerals the same?

What is AMP- the Patent Pending Technology?

Who can drink FrequenSea?

What benefits will I recieve by taking FrequenSea?

Why is FrequenSea more beneficial than other juices or health products?

Is FrequenSea a Raw Food?

How much FrequenSea should I take?

What is the best time of the day to take FrequenSea?

How much FrequenSea is in each bottle?

Are there any additives in FrequenSea?

What does FrequenSea taste like?

What is the shelf life of FrequenSea?

Is it safe to take FrequenSea with medication?

Is FrequenSea safe for pregnant or lactating women?

Why do I need FrequenSea?

Do I need to take any other multi-vitamin or mineral supplements while taking FrequenSea?

Can FrequenSea help the body stimulate anti-aging Human Growth Hormone?

Is there anything missing in FrequenSea that my body may need?

Is FrequenSea approved by the FDA?

Why is there no list of the amounts of each vitamin and mineral in FrequenSea?

Are there any precautions I should be concerned with while taking FrequenSea?

What is the biggest mistake people make when taking a product like FrequenSea?

Why is the form of vitamin and mineral supplementation so important?

Is FrequenSea recommended for Senior Citizens?

Is FrequenSea recommended or Children?

What happens when I don't give my body the proper nutrients and raw materials?

Will FrequenSea affect the PH of my body?

Is  FrequenSea safe for people with allergies?

Can FrequenSea help people with allergies?

What problems can FrequenSea help?

Can FrequenSea help fight chronic or terminal illnesses?

Will FrequenSea help fight illnesses such as Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancer and Heart Problems?

Can FrequenSea help fight depression?

Will FrequenSea help boost the Immune System?

Should Healthy people drink FrequenSea?

Who will see the quickest results from using FrequenSea?

Can you give FrequenSea to Animals?

Why take FrequenSea instead of Marine Phytoplankton by itself? 

Why is FrequenSea so expensive?

Is it true I can purchase FrequenSea at a better price if I sign up as a distributor?

The Answers:

What is FrequenSea?

FrequenSea is a natural whole food, nutrient dense ionic health tonic, using a synergistic blend of ingredients from both land and sea. With an exclusive Co2 extraction process (cold processing) that renders the whole plant water soluble and therefore instantly bioavailable and using as its main ingredient Marine Phytoplankton, FrequenSea provides your body with everything it needs to thrive. There is nothing else like it in the marketplace!

What is the Science behind FrequenSea?

The new science of Metabolomics is founded upon the fact that energy produced by our cells is indispensable for the cells to carry out their assigned duties. In order to metabolize, they need air, food, and the ability to get rid of the 'metabolites' or toxins of combustion generated by our production of energy, or metabolism. This is why FrequenSea is named thusly: 'energy from the seas.' All cells work basically the same way, they require energy and a way to take out the toxins. 'Cell communication' is how trillions of cells get their metabolic function coordinated. The structure and function of our cell membranes is extremely important for our receptors to successfully receive the messages generated from other cells, thus coordinating metabolism and function. Our cells are made up of sugars, proteins and fats. Nutrition provides not only the fuel needed for our cells to function, but also the molecules our cells need to be structured properly. FrequenSea is loaded with the micronutrients needed by cells to maintain cell integrity and function.  Failure to eat properly will result in practically all manner of diseases.

What are the ingredients in FrequenSea?

FrequenSea is a complete proprietary blend  of Cranberry, Blueberry, Aloe Vera, Astaxanthin, Ionic Sea Minerals, Frankincense, Rose, Morinda Citrifolia (Noni Juice),  Rosemary Anti Oxidant, Purified Rain Water, Nutmeg, Bladderwrack, Spirulina, Irish Moss, Ginger, Orange, Mangosteen and over 200 Species of Marine Phytoplankton with a twist of Mexican Sweet Lime.

What is Marine Phytoplankton?

Marine Phytoplankton are single celled plants, the basis of all other life forms on planet Earth. They are microscopic, single celled algae that float and live in the ocean and are so small, they are not even visible to the naked eye. All phytoplankton are nutrient-rich, and as such are the basic staple diet for multitudes of oceanic life. The very existence of the marine ecosystem depends upon it. The elements and electrolytes in phytoplankton are ideal and in perfect balance with the human body. It has unique and specialized nutrients, not found anywhere else that have been feeding the world since the world began. Whales live to be 150 years old eating nothing but plankton.

What are the Nutritional Properties of Marine Phytoplankton?

 Alanine, Arganine, Asparagine, Aspartic Acid, Beta Carotene, Bioflavonoid, Biotin, Boron, Calcium, Chlorophyll, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Cysteine, Electrolytes, Fiber, Flourine, Folic Acid, Germanium, Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Glutamine, Glutathione, Glycine, Histidine, Iodine, Iron, Lecithin, Leucine, Linoleic Acid, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Methionine, Molybdenum, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Nickel, Nucleic Acids, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Omega -6 Fatty Acids, Pantohenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Phenylanine, Phosphorous, Potassium, Proline, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), Riboflavin, RNA, Selenium, Serine, Silicon, Sodium, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Theonine, Tyrosine, Valine, Vanadium, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc.

Why haven't I heard of FrequenSea before?

FrequenSea is a relatively new product. Only recently have we had the technology necessary to harvest marine phytoplankton for human consumption. Aquaculture has now made it possible for people to enjoy sea products more efficiently. Another reason may be that our health care system is dependant on pharmaceutical approaches, rather than focusing on nutrition or preventative approaches.

How do I know the Marine Phytoplankton is safe to consume?

Batches of the Marine Phytoplankton in FrequenSea are continually tested in a laboratory to ensure there are no harmful contaminants present.

What is Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin is a powerful, natural, biological antioxidant extracted from marine micro-algae. Astaxanthin is the carotenoid responsible for the pink pigmentation in the flesh of salmon, lobster, krill and other aquatic animals and plants. These natural compounds are important nutrients and protectants for the skin and contribute to whole body health. Astaxanthin nourishes the eyes, brain and central nervous system.

What is Frankincense?

Frankincense is a milky-white resin produced by a prickly, unlikely looking tree, genus Boswellia. Today, as in years past, frankincense is a valued commodity and its pure essential oil sells for up to a dollar per drop. It is commonly referred to as the "mother of all essential oils." Frankincense is excellent for many conditions and is known to have a calming effect on the nervous system.

What are Phytonutrients?

Phytonutrients are natural plant-based chemicals that promote proper metabolic functions such as general nutrition, cardiovascular health, cholesterol, blood sugars, and neurological support. They are protective substances found in fruits, vegetables and grains that naturally protect the plant. Also known as phytochemicals, they are not vital to life and therefore are not classified as nutrients, like vitamins. These substances have qualities that protect us from diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

What are Ionic Minerals?

Ionic minerals are dissolved in water or are in a water-soluble form. Our mineral needs are very important as our bodies cannot make minerals. Medical science has proven beyond any doubt that the body can absorb essential minerals in the ionic form far more rapidly than in pill, powder, colloidal, or any other form.

Are all Ionic Minerals the same?

No! There are two basic ways to obtain minerals in an ionic form. The best way is to let nature transform the minerals into the ionic state and then eat or extract them from the natural sources. The least desirable way to obtain ionic minerals is by grinding up clay, rock, or other inorganic substances and forcing them into an ionic state. The ionic minerals in FrequenSea are still alive in living plants.

What is AMP- (Aqueous Molecular Partitioning)?

Instead of using common extraction methods, such as heat, distillation, or harmful chemicals, ForeverGreen uses AMP- an exclusive technology, which takes plants, herbs, flowers, roots and spices, and using CO2 extraction, liquefies the entire plant. This includes the essential oils, the resinous materials and the water-based materials. This exclusive process naturally emulsifies the plant-life concentrate water soluble. Nowhere else will you find such a unique and natural method of extraction. Water soluble means instant bioavailability, it is literally predigested. How does a predigested water-soluble nutritional liquid help your body? The body doesn't have to work to get the nutrition out of the liquid, the nutrients are instantly utilized.

Click HERE to learn more about the AMP process.

Who can drink FrequenSea?

Anyone can drink FrequenSea. It is nothing more than a super-food, with no known side effects.

What benefits will I receive by taking FrequenSea?

FrequenSea contains a wide range of trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes NOT found in any other product. Marine Phytoplankton contains almost everything one needs to restore health by providing the raw materials to make new cells that function normally. Good nutrition will enhance the structure and function of all organs in our bodies. Our brain, muscles, heart, arteries, joints, bones, skin, hair, hormones, immune system, vision, digestion, kidneys and liver will carry out their jobs much better. Metabolically our lipids and sugars can be optimized, thus providing more overall energy, minimize weight problems and improve sleep. These nutrients improve mental function and memory. They reduce depression and the harmful effects of stress and mood swings.

Why is FrequenSea more beneficial than other juices or health products?

FrequenSea is a complete source of cellular nutrition containing many phytonutrients, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, and cellular material not found in any other food source. It is all natural, has no negative preservatives like most juices, and has as its main ingredient Marine Phytoplankton. It utilizes CO2 extraction (cold processing) and AMP technology. Its vitamins and minerals come from plant sources that are in nature’s perfect ionic form (not man made). FrequenSea gives your body the support it requires to function in a normal healthy manner.

Is FrequenSea a Raw Food?

Yes FrequenSea is raw, this quote was released by ForeverGreen;

"All edible products at ForeverGreen are Raw, including the FrequenSea. Less than 1% of the bars are flour. We used to flash pasteurize the old FrequenSea but the new formula we do not. The AMP Process does not use any heat."

How much FrequenSea should I take?

1/2 to 2 ounces a day is the recommended amount for a healthy person. This would be considered a maintenance dosage. People with multiple or serious health challenges may want to take 2-3 ounces daily and some even take more. The majority of people getting excellent results and fairly quickly are taking approximately two ounces a day. Only you can decide what is right for you. If your body is sensitive to new products please start out slowly with 1/2 ounce a day and scale up from there. FrequenSea is an extremely powerful nutritional whole food (nothing like you have ever taken before) and a detox effect is possible. Please be aware of this possibility, and cut back the amount you're taking if you see unpleasant detox affects starting to occur, then slowly scale back up to your desired intake.

What is the best time of the day to take FrequenSea?

There is no best time to take FrequenSea. Do it when it fits your schedule. It may be better to take it on an empty stomach, so as not to dilute your stomach acid  however it is not necessary. Some people notice such an increase in energy, that they avoid it before bedtime. Others believe bedtime is the best time of the day to take it, as your body can then focus on rebuilding, regenerating and repairing while you sleep. Some take one ounce at night and one ounce in the morning. Again, there is no best time to take FrequenSea, it is Food and can be taken anytime.

How much FrequenSea is in each bottle?

There are 16 ounces of FrequenSea in each bottle.

Are there any additives in FrequenSea?

No, there are no additives in FrequenSea. Most high-end fruit juices are pasteurized at high temperatures destroying a significant amount of antioxidants. FrequenSea's preparation aims to preserve these nutrients, without loss to heat, cooking, shipping or storage. Citric Acid a natural micronutrient is added as a preservative, as well as Rosemary, another antioxidant and natural preservative.

What does FrequenSea taste like?

With the ingredients of Cranberry, Blueberry, Orange, Mangosteen and a twist of Sweet Lime, it tastes like a fruit juice. Most people enjoy the taste but for those that don't it is perfectly fine to mix it with water, juice or whatever you choose.

What is the shelf life of FrequenSea?

Unopened and unrefrigerated a bottle of FrequenSea will last one year. Once opened, it lasts one month in the refrigerator and one week on the counter.

Is it safe to take FrequenSea with medication?

Yes it is completely safe to take FrequenSea with medication. FrequenSea is simply a food, a Super-Food and  may even help to offset some of the negative side effects of certain medications, including Chemotherapy and Radiation.

Is FrequenSea safe for pregnant or lactating women?

Absolutely, most women supplement their diet when pregnant or lactating. FrequenSea will not only help the mother but their growing fetus or baby as well. FrequenSea helps the mothers' body to produce colostrum, the fluid that comes through the breast for the first 48-72 hours of nursing.

Why do I need FrequenSea?

Most agree that for a healthy body we must nourish, oxygenate, cleanse, purify, protect, strengthen and balance our bodies. We live in a world that has environmental problems, from the air we breath to the water we drink. Our foods today are becoming more and more depleted of vital nutrients because of depleted soils, chemical fertilization and improper food preparation. Combined with the stress of everyday life, our health needs have never been greater. FrequenSea with Marine Phytoplankton edifies your body like nothing else on Earth.

Do I need to take any other multi-vitamin or mineral supplements while taking FrequenSea?

No, you do not as the ingredients in FrequenSea contain every vitamin, mineral, trace mineral, amino acid and enzyme known to man in nature's perfect balance. If you have health challenges, you may require larger doses of FrequenSea. Taking FrequenSea daily may make many other health products obsolete. Most people have spent considerable energy consuming and digesting dead food and supplements, thus overworking the body without even knowing it. With FrequenSea this unproductive process can now be reversed.

Can FrequenSea help the body stimulate anti-aging Human Growth Hormone?

Many products designed to stimulate HGH do so by providing  amino acids which stimulate the pituitary gland and cause it to release its own human growth hormone. FrequenSea contains an abundance of these amino acids as well as other ingredients which will help to improve HGH levels including Frankincense. 

Is there anything missing in FrequenSea that my body may need?

In addition to the trillions of cells in our bodies we also have healthy intestinal bacteria which may become damaged by harmful processed and sugar laden foods or antibiotics. ForeverGreen's 'Healthy Alternatives' product line has products made for the specific purpose of providing the body with the necessary healthy bacteria, or probiotics. With 'FrequenSea' and 'Probiotic Plus' working together in your body, superior health is virtually guaranteed.

Is FrequenSea approved by the FDA?

The Food and Drug Administration only approves drug products, not nutritional supplements. They have a list of guidelines and ingredients commonly referred to as the GRAS list (generally recognized as safe) and ingredients on this list are considered to be pre-approved. All the ingredients in FrequenSea are on this list or fall into their pre-approved guidelines.

Why is there no list of the amounts of each vitamin and mineral in FrequenSea?

The FDA requires listing the amounts of synthetic nutrients (man made chemicals) in vitamin and mineral supplements. FrequenSea, being a whole food product, does not contain any synthetic nutrients. In nature what you find is balance; vitamins to minerals and trace minerals, amino acids to enzymes. For example, we know oranges contain Vitamin C. The amount of Vitamin C from one orange to another may vary, but the ratio of nutrients from one orange to another will not change. This explains FrequenSea’s effectiveness.

Are there any precautions I should be concerned with while taking FrequenSea?

FrequenSea is a powerful whole food tonic and some people may experience a detox effect when first taking it. Please be aware of this possibility, and simply reduce  the amount you are taking until your symptoms subside. 

What is the biggest mistake people make when taking a product like FrequenSea?

The biggest mistake people make is not giving the product enough time to work.  They will try a bottle or two... or take it for a week or so then say “that product didn't help me”.  It takes time to replenish the body’s supply of nutrients and overcome the deficits. According to Dr Tennant... it takes 90 days of continuous (daily) support to reestablish the body’s natural stability. When the body’s nutritional needs are satisfied and fully supported, then and only then, can and will the body function at its best.

Why is the proper form for vitamin and mineral supplementation so important?

Only plant life can turn inorganic minerals into organic minerals. Minerals are absorbed from the soil up into the root hairs of the plant, then dispersed to all parts of the plant. After being absorbed, the minerals then become part of that living plant, and the plant then gives these minerals life (energy, frequency or voltage). The minerals carry this life with them when you consume the plant. These life and energy charged minerals give your body more energy, voltage and vitality. Minerals found in plants are non-toxic and are not the same as those found in the ground (inorganic).

Is FrequenSea recommended for Senior Citizens?

As we get older, our ability to digest foods and assimilate nutrients lessens. For this reason we highly recommend FrequenSea for senior citizens. FrequenSea, being a liquid with a reduced surface tension, offers increased absorption. Liquids and sprays give you 95-98% of the vital nutrients at the cellular level, providing increased health benefits.

Is FrequenSea recommended or Children?

FrequenSea is a wonderful supplement for children providing their growing bodies with everything they need for optimum health in an easy to swallow form.

What happens when I don't give my body the proper nutrients and raw materials?

Slowly but surely your body will start to deteriorate and problems are likely to occur in the future. It may take 40 or 50 years but when critical vitamins, minerals or enzymes are continually missing from the diet, the body becomes unbalanced and begins to malfunction. Supplying the missing substances gives your body the best opportunity to regain its stability and optimal health.

Will FrequenSea affect the PH of my body?

Yes, FrequenSea will definitely affect the body’s pH balance. It is naturally alkaline-forming as its own pH is between 8 to 8.5 alkaline. Voltage, Energy and pH balance are all basically the same. When voltage, energy and pH balance are low, under 7.0 pH, the body is considered acidic, when they are higher above 7.0 pH, the body is considered alkaline. Problems manifest when the body is acidic. This is because the body breaks down when in the acidic state and abnormalities are literally living off and being fed by your acidic body. A healthy body on the other hand, has plenty of voltage, energy and the pH balance is considered alkaline. When the body is acidic and has lost voltage, energy and pH balance the person has not been replenishing the body with enough living minerals from plants sources. These living minerals from plant sources carry the voltage, energy and pH balance your body needs to be vibrant, energetic and full of life. 

Is  FrequenSea safe for people with allergies?

Very few people have a problem with FrequenSea, however it is possible to develop an allergy to any food. If you are particularly sensitive it is possible that you may experience a rash, itching or abdominal discomfort. If you have a history of food allergies, before drinking FrequenSea you may want to soak the gauze part of a band aid with the juice and apply it to your bicep area, which you have scratched with a clean needle. Leave on for two days. If you develop redness, itching or swelling in this area you may be allergic. You may still try drinking a teaspoon a day, and advance slowly, to desensitize you from the allergy. If you have any trouble breathing or generalized swelling this may indicate a serious reaction and no further attempts should be made to drink FrequenSea.  

Can FrequenSea help people with allergies?

Yes, it is possible that drinking FrequenSea can help people recover from allergies or greatly reduce their symptoms.

What problems can FrequenSea help?

This juice helps in practically all medical conditions. Understanding how nutrition in general, and the healing of cell membranes in particular benefit the basic principals of Melabolomics and cell communication, will clarify how it is that FrequenSea can be so helpful for all types of ailments. FrequenSea with it's content of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory micronutrients and basic building blocks of organic tissues and organs, can affect the course of our health, prevent disease and in many instances, help resolve disease processes. Furthermore, such nutrients not only heal the cell membrane and thereby improve cell communication, but they also enrich and facilitate our body’s metabolism and detoxification pathways.

Can FrequenSea help fight chronic or terminal illnesses?

There are very few products that provide all or even most of the raw materials to make new cells and sustain the existing ones. The problem is that we need all of them at the same time for things to work. One of those rare products that contain almost everything you need to sustain life ( and the rebuilding of a healthy life) is phytoplankton.

"When we give our bodies what they need to manufacture new cells and heal, even severely and chronically ill patients can heal".                          

Jerry Tennant M.D

Will FrequenSea help fight illnesses such as Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancer and Heart Problems?

Yes, FrequenSea decreases inflammation and fuels the mitochondria in cells to produce energy to carry on with all healthy processes within the cell to fight all diseases. It also increases the ability of our bodies to get rid of toxins that lead to inflammation, oxidation and mitochondrial dysfunction. Healing these processes reduces pain.

Fix the Cells and Everything Else is Fixed because the Body Is a Community of Cells!

Can FrequenSea help fight depression?

Yes, it is believed that many psychiatric disorders are due to significant deficiencies in key nutrients. Since FrequenSea helps correct all these problems, it is not difficult to see why it will reduce depression symptoms and the risk of developing mental problems. Many people taking FrequenSea notice their mood is generally happier and lighter.

Will FrequenSea help boost the Immune System?

Yes, since FrequenSea works as a Super-Food, its work begins in the intestines, by healing the lining cell membranes of our intestines, and by improving the quality of food our friendly organisms need to thrive on. By improving our detoxification pathways throughout the body and by improving our cells ability to produce energy, we also improve our immune system.

Should Healthy people drink FrequenSea?

Absolutely, healthy people stay healthy by eating healthy food. This is a matter of prevention. It has been shown that diets high in antioxidants increase longevity.

Who will see the quickest results from using FrequenSea?

Generally speaking, people who are very deficient in vitamins and minerals are the people who have the greatest health challenges.  These people will usually see the quickest results as they replenish their body's missing nutrient supply. People who have made a serious effort to support their health usually take longer to notice the benefits.  FrequenSea is the most complete nutrient rich whole food ever created for humankind. 

Can you give FrequenSea to Animals?

Yes, animal physiology is 99% like ours. Many of the chronic illnesses in our pets are due to the refined, artificial canned foods we give them.

Why take FrequenSea instead of Marine Phytoplankton by itself? 

The ingredients in FrequenSea from both land and sea were very carefully chosen based upon their specific qualities and healing properties. The plants are processed with AMP Technology (Aqueous Molecular Partitioning), a process for emulsifying the WHOLE plant in its integrity, in water, without the use of any harmful chemicals or heat. This is done in CO2 compression chambers. This all natural nutrient extraction process leaves all ingredients fully live and active in a completely water soluble, bio-available, highly concentrated oil. Results from taking FrequenSea are much greater than phytoplankton alone. FrequenSea's bio-available full spectrum of ingredients work synergistically together in the body. The AMP process is a patented ForeverGreen exclusive and won't be found elsewhere. This process creates some of the highest quality health products that can be found.

Why is FrequenSea so expensive?

Perhaps the only downside to FrequenSea is the cost of production. Each bottle of this unique ionic tonic contains the highest quality organic ingredients plus over 1 Billion Marine Phytoplankton. As a result the cost of production is high and the tonic must sell at about $40.00 US per 16 ounce bottle. For many people this cost is prohibitive. The cost is offset however, by no longer having to purchase the wide variety of supplements that many people are currently taking. FrequenSea is all you need - which makes it affordable!

Is it true I can purchase FrequenSea at a better price if I sign up as a distributor?

It is possible to purchase FrequenSea at wholesale prices if you sign up as a FrequenSea Distributor. With a one time membership fee of $39.95 you save 20% every month when you purchase FrequenSea!

In fact, by simply introducing FrequenSea to three people, who in turn each introduce it to three more people, you will cover the cost of 4 bottles per month from their commissions. Something to consider!

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