PharmaSea - #1 On-Line Distributor of FrequenSea Phytoplankton Tonic
Dr. Hugo Roddier Talks About the Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton
FrequenSea with Marine Phytoplankton affords all living creatures the opportunity to benefit from these amazing nutrients from the sea!

Almost every person taking phytoplankton notices a beneficial change in their bodies. People living for years with chronic and sometimes debilitating conditions have found relief after exhausting all avenues of medical advice. This may not be surprising given the rich, non-genetically modified source of our product, but it’s exciting and it’s marvelous.

What specific problems can FrequenSea juice help?
"In my experience, and by surveying hundreds of juice consumers, I can say this juice helps in practically all medical conditions. Understanding how nutrition in general  and the healing of cell membranes in particular, benefit the basic principals of  Melabolomics, and cell communication, will clarify how it is that FrequenSea juice can  be helpful for all types of ailments.

FrequenSea with it's content of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory micronutrients, and basic building blocks of organic tissues and organs, can affect the course of our  health, prevent disease, and in many instances, help resolve disease processes.

These may include obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension, arthritis, asthma, colitis, ulcers, reflux, mental disorders, skin problems, hormonal irregularities, etc."

Hugo Rodier M.D.

Can FrequenSea juice help fight cancer?

"Cancer is thought to create problems through mechanisms of cell dysfunction. Practically all diseases start form inflammatory processes. FrequenSea decreases inflammation, and also fuels the mitochondria in cells to produce energy to carry on with all healthy processes within the cell to fight cancer. This includes  detoxification of the very toxins that trigger cancerous changes at the cell level, and also neutralization of free radicals that cause mutations in our DNA, thus leading to  genetic triggers of unlimited growth of cancerous cells. Free radicals are neutralized by antioxidants. The latter donate their electrons to unstable free radicals, without damaging themselves in the process. These donated electrons render free radicals harmless."

What is the recommended number of ounces of FrequenSea juice to drink to help with different conditions?

"According to different surveys of consumers, serving portions may vary from 1/2 an ounce to 30 ounces a day. Just like any whole food there are not limits to how much one may want to ingest, except for some diarrhea in some people. This would be a sign that the intestinal tract is overwhelmed by the amount of juice it is  exposed to.

There is no specific portion for say arthritis, and then a different portion for some other ailment, such as diabetes. You do your best by maximizing the amounts of foods high in nutrients and low in toxins, transhydrogenated, saturated fats and refined sugars.

I advise patients to start with an ounce a day of FrequenSea juice. If positive results are not seen, increase the portions gradually, until improvement in their condition(s) is observed. Their financial solvency and overwhelming the intestines are the only limiting factors."

Hugo Rodier M.D.

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